Minimized MTTR


Faster to Resolution

Boosted Efficiency


Common Inquiries Resolved Instantly

Cost Savings


Less per IT Support Case

24/7 Availability

Deliver Instant, Cost-Effective Technical Support

Leverage your IT knowledge base to provide relentless, instant, accurate, automated IT support across all time zones and holidays.

Handle multiple inquiries without delay, reducing operational costs and enhancing support efficiency.

Intelligent Assistant

AI-Powered Tagging for Targeted IT Support

Automate repetitive common inquiries and address ambiguous queries, freeing your IT experts to focus on more technical, challenging customer issues.

Classify and tackle IT challenges efficiently through intelligent tagging and categorization, aiding your agents in quick problem-solving.

Built for Continuous Growth

Transform Insights into Opportunities & Strategies

IT Knowledge base becomes smarter through ongoing chatbot feedback and dynamically enhances overall IT support service.

Dive into chatbot conversations for insights, build meaningful customer relationships by addressing preferences and real needs, fostering product iteration and service refinement, and happier customers.

Your Ready-to-Use Enterprise IT Support Solution



Ensures top-tier data security and privacy with comprehensive access control.



Seamlessly integrate a branded chatbot into your website or app.



Understand users‘ intent, no matter the language.

Bring AI Innovation to Your IT Support Strategy Today

Methrew Js

ChatInsight has significantly reduced the technical support team's workload, enabling them to meet key metrics like customer satisfaction, response time, and resolution time more efficiently, and minimizing customer waiting times.

Methrew Js

Customer Service Manager